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Musings over tea

Welcome to RoseeT, musings of the heart with all things rosy, but some. Explore my site and perhaps you would relate! Enjoy!

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Gold under the table!

We did not mean to laugh at our bada saab’s predicament but our four-legged friend Goldy had left us no choice. Bemused my husband and I...

A Well Stitched Surprise

Those were the quiet days, the ones with the still telephones and silent clocks. I would sit on the wickered cane chair in the jaali...

March on!

March on, and march forward; Armed with your strength; And your dignity; Wearing your smile; And also your attitude; March on Women! Dear...

Was it a dream?

Two colossal pinkish-grey pillars were hit by my Yezdi at midnight at the slopes of Aibheel. A deafening sound followed...

The Mystery of The Nocturnal Growl

This particular episode took place when my husband was away from the plantations for a course. I had to spend a few nights all alone in...

The Verdant Veranda

The collection of green potted plants along with other vibrant and exotic flowers is the lifeline of tea memsahabs. A tradition started...

The Recipe Book

The recipes have been such an integral part of tea life since time immemorial for the tea memsahibs. I wonder if handwritten recipes...

The "Real Spirit" of Christmas

“Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy, gives himself by thought, word or deed, in every gift he bestows.”...


"Accept the change as if it's your choice and feel the magic happen!"

The Haunted Bell- Part 2

PART 2 To read part 1, visit- After him having rechecked, the cook was...

The Haunted Bell

I was sitting down in the jaali-kamra, one cold day in the month of February. I was a new bride, unfamiliar with the “TEA” ways of life....

Going Green!

The fresh and crisp vegetables harvested from my own kitchen garden make all my senses come alive with their vibrant colours and...

The Diwali Dilemma

My sister and I returned home from school that day with our grades, excited to show our mother while she sat sipping on her nimbu paani...

Spooky Saturday

He explained that the bungalow was haunted and the ghosts had been troubling him for quite a while.


As I drove past the river on the long bridge, I witnessed a lot of people praying, On enquiring, I came to know that they were offering...

A love triangle

I saw the twinkle in his eyes and it dawned on me that he was involved, or rather in love, with his game of golf.

Simpler times (?)

An anecdote from a day in the tea life, set when there were no cellphones and landlines if existent were ornamental rather than functional!

Welcome Thakurjee...

As is known in tea, with the onset of cold weather the tea factory needs overhauling, the roof painting and machinery serviced. As my...

Time travel

If you could, what would you do?

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