He stood alone in the darkness of the night, his drenched clothes clinging to his body. His slick hair no longer held its shape as the skies continued the generous showers. Lightning struck, momentarily illuminating the vast slopy expanse of the tea garden. He heard the whirring of an engine in the distance and his despair was replaced with hope. Making his way towards the approaching lights, waving his arms above his head he called out. But when the vehicle came into sight, his heart skipped a beat. Through the rays of the headlights of the jeep, he saw the barrel of a rifle shining out of the window pointed skyward. Every muscle in his body screamed at him to flee but he remained frozen and heard himself whimpering, "Hey, Hey! Help! Help!" through the sound of the torrential rain.
Lalit Sinha - 1985
It had been a month since he had joined Gandrapara TE as a Trainee Assistant and sharing the South bungalow with Ishwar, three years his senior, had been a boon. “Lalit, if you need to go for an outing or shopping or the club, my car is always there.” Ishwar had offered pointing towards his Premier Padmini. So amidst the tall, long, wild tales of elephants and leopards from his colleagues, Lalit had started settling down.

It was a dark and stormy night in June 1985. The bearer laid out the neatly ironed set of new clothes for the chota saab. All dressed up in formal attire Lalit and Ishwar set out towards Karbala Tea Estate. The steady patter against the roof of the car did not deter them in any way. They drove on with the headlights on full beam and wipers working furiously. As they turned into the kutcha pathway of the estate, which usually would be hard and dry had turned into slippery wet clay. "We have made it despite the weather," said Ishwar, "just another kilometre to go!"
But had he spoken too soon? Abruptly, the car came to a standstill. Despite all efforts of pushing, shoving and coaxing the car, it would not budge. The tyres were spinning frantically. Lalit swore and pushed the car with all his might while Ishwar accelerated but to no avail. The only solution Ishwar could think of, at that moment was to send Lalit to fetch help.
“Are you serious? It's scary and pitch dark," he pleaded to Ishwar.
"There is no way out and the bungalow is just a kilometre from this point.”
“Alright, but let the headlights be on,” Lalit acquiesced as he gathered his wits and began walking in the downpour. He had walked but a few steps when the light from the car behind flickered and then there was darkness.
He was paralyzed with fear, the menacing aura holding him to the spot. A piercing gust of wind shook the trees showering his frame with a fresh deluge. The thunder roared making him jump out of his skin. He was cold and sodden, his new leather shoes were now mere pools of water. Weakened by the weight of his soaked clothes he trudged on, recalling the anecdotes of his seniors who had rubbed shoulders with wildlife. He grabbed his spirit and walked towards a lorry parked to the side, next to the tea bushes. "Koi hai?!" with his heart pounding in his ears, he shouted but there was dead silence. Hoping for some respite, he clambered into the lorry.
Inhaling deeply, he looked around and was at a loss as to what to do next. He rambled to himself, "Here I am... in the middle of nowhere," he sighed. "At least I stepped up to help...but..." Through chattering teeth, he began reciting, "Jai Hanuman gyaan gun sagar..."
An eternity passed and then as if God sent, he saw the headlights of a vehicle approaching from the other side.
Determined and with a stoic demeanour he rushed towards the approaching lights. The vehicle came to a screeching halt. There were about five people in the jeep and one of them descended with a rifle slung on his shoulder. “Kaun hai?” he demanded suspiciously.
“I am the chota saab of Gandrapara,” Lalit replied.
“Lalit - tum? What are you doing here?” asked Sanjay Ghoshal as he stepped down from the jeep.
“You invited us for dinner,” said Lalit with a stifled laugh and then told him about their stranded car. “Thank God you came looking for us,” Ishwar is waiting by the car for help.
Preoccupied, Sanjay nodded. “I have come to see the lorry that has been looted by the dacoits,” he briefed. “The dacoits are in hiding,” added the lorry driver who had escaped and run to the factory to seek help. The gravity of the situation dawned upon Lalit and his legs almost collapsed underneath him.
They stopped by the lorry that Lalit had sought shelter in, just a few moments back. All the awry possibilities of the situation flashed before his eyes. He pushed them away. The next few minutes were a blur.
The garden tractor was arranged which helped them pull the car out. They finally managed to reach their hosts' bungalow. It was well past midnight by the time they finished dinner. Now it was time to drive back…
Recent photo of Mr Lalit Sinha and family
Chota Saab: Assistant manager
Koi hai?: Is anyone there?
Jai Hanuman gyaan gun sagar: Starting of Hanuman Chalisa, a prayer to Sri Hanuman, the remover of obstacles
Kaun hai?: Who's there?
Very well written Nandita👍🏻can understand the traumatic situation well, having gone through a similar one myself only to laugh over it and relate it as an adventure, later.
Thank you Nandita for the lovely post sent on Lalit . It was very enjoyable and scary.
-Meera Capoor
Another well narrated incident of getting stranded amidst pouring rain..pitch darkness , with the fear of dacoits around in deserted kacha road . Lalits adrenalin must be high till rescue came thankfully. Narration is so well woven with nice expressions, vocabulary n phrases that makes the reader visualize the incident as if happening in front of eyes. Well written Nandita !
Episodes of Men and their adventurous spirit are always full throttle funny n packed with abounding fun;n then when it's associated with Planters n Plantation stories....well!....the emprise is definitely many times compounded !!
The Planters have always been a spirited, boisterous n lively lot......it takes guts n gumption to live the life they live n to make the best of unwarranted n tiresome situations.
Most of them are fond of outdoor activities, ..
..game, fishing, treking, sports n having fun in general along with putting in hard work,their sweat n blood n all that it takes to get the massive Tea Estates running on oiled wheels. They are a spunky, courageous n bold breed of men, who call a spade…
Excellent read once again Nandita..loved it